VBQ Score

VBQ Score

Vertebral bone quality score predicts fragility fractures independently of bone mineral density.

Ehresman J, Schilling A, Yang X, Pennington Z, Ahmed AK, Cottrill E, Lubelski D, Khan M, Moseley KF, Sciubba DM.

Spine J. 2021 Jan;21(1):20-27.

Novel MRI-based score for assessment of bone density in operative spine patients.

Ehresman J, Pennington Z, Schilling A, Lubelski D, Ahmed AK, Cottrill E, Khan M, Sciubba DM.

Spine J. 2020 Apr;20(4):556-562

Vertebral Bone Quality Score and Postoperative Lumbar Lordosis Associated with Need for Reoperation After Lumbar Fusion. Ehresman J, Ahmed AK, Lubelski D, Schilling A, Pennington Z, Cottrill E, McCracken J, Khan M, Witham T, Sciubba DM. World Neurosurg. 2020 Aug;140